منتدى اللغات الأجنبيـة Educationalاللغة الإنجليزيــة اللغة الفرنسيـــة استفسارات وطلبات الاعضـــاء
رياض الاطفال المرحلة الابتدائيه الاعدادية الثانوية العامة كليات الطب الهندسة الصيدلة كلية العلوم التجاره الدبلومات الفنية المعاهد المتخصصة
messaid saadane, مهاجي جمال الجزائري, zoro1
Management of Assisting Services and Development of Assisting Services Employees Skil
Management and leadership courses The International Training &Consultation Center (ITCC) is pleased to invite you to registered the Training programs available in 2016 in the following Please sent your inquiry to the following contacts Khawla Akkam
تقديرا لمجهود صاحب البوست او المشاركه فانه لا يمكن مشاهدة الروابط إلا بعد التعليق على البوست In appreciation of the efforts of the owner of the post or participation, the links cannot be viewed until after responding to the post or participation
00201025054242 Management and leadership courses March 1. Administrative Feasibility Strategy 2. Developing Performance and Quality using Six Sigma Methodology (Concept and Implementation) 3. Management of Change 4. The Best Administrative Practices and Creative Initiatives, and the Implementation of Distinct Management Standards 5. Administrative and Financial Skills Support for Assisting Services Employees 6. Leading Change, Development and Drafting Future Strategies 7. Management Skills of Municipalities and Localities 8. Strategic Planning and Performance Evaluation April 1. Creativity in Problem Solving and Decision Making 2. Administrative Creativity in Organization, Planning and Coordination 3. Modern Supervisory Skills and Development of Administrative Performance 4. Preparation and Qualification of Social Specialists 5. Governance of Companies and the Role of Board Members 6. Electronic Management in Administrative Affairs 7. Contemporary Administrative Strategies May 1. Leadership and Administrative Supervision in Mid Management (Head of Departments and Supervisors) 2. Control, Management and Supervision Methods of Assisting Services 3. The Integrated Program for Qualification and Development of Leaders and Assistants 4. Effective Administrative Communications 5. Administrative Development for Improving Performance and Achieving Productivity 6. Administrative Supervision Skills and Building Effective Teams 7. Leadership Skills of Modern Managers July 1. Administrative Control Methods 2. Administrative Planning and Formulation of Goals 3. Preparation and Drafting of Integrated Strategies in Work Plans for Developing Performance 4. Leadership and Modern Standards in Administrative Development 5. The Mechanisms of Treating Administrative Violations and Administrative Corruption 6. Simplification of Administrative Procedures 7. Strategic Planning Tools – Concepts and Applications August 1. Developing Work Systems in Administrative Affairs 2. Corporate Governance and Institutional Development 3. Developing Administrative Communication Skills to Achieve Distinguished Administrative Performance 4. Integrated Administrative Approach for Preparation of Department Heads 5. Integrated Administrative System (Administrative Planning, Organization and Administrative Decisions) 6. Strategic Leadership Vision – Improving Performance and Decision Making September 1. Management of Assisting Services and Development of Assisting Services Employees Skills
2. Executive Leadership, Creative Strategic Planning, and Goal Management 3. Creative Leadership: Creative Team Leadership System 4. Administrative Investigation Principles 5. Meetings Coordination and Management (for Heads of Departments)
6. Establishments Resources Planning (ERP) 7. Serving Skills in Electronic Government October 1. Modern Administrative Strategies 2. Development of Administrative and Leadership Skills 3. The Skills of Administrative Reports Preparation and Writing 4. Developing Administrative Communication Skills to Achieve Distinguished Administrative Performance 5. Dealing with Work Pressures 6. Simplification of Administrative Work Procedures November 1. Mechanisms of Thinking and Strategic Planning 2. The Art of Leadership and Building Work Teams 3. Qualification of New Managers (Building Leadership Skills) 4. Modern Trends in Higher Administration for Leaders: Administrative Organization 5. Crisis Management and Work Disputes (Settling Conflicts at Work) 6. Administrative Control in Governmental Organizations December 1. Administrative Investigation 2. Creative Leadership and Change Management 3. Strategic Leadership Thinking and Follow-up of Plans Execution 4. Preparation and Qualification of Leaders: Development Methods and Approaches and Measuring Institutional Performance 5. The Art of Dealing with Auditors 6. Controlling Pressures and Time and Prioritization 7. Management and Supervision of Seminars and Meetings Preparation We offer training courses in the following places (Egypt: Cairo / Alexandria / Sharm El Sheikh - Emirates: Dubai / Abu Dhabi - Riyadh / Dammam / Jeddah / alKhobar - QATAR: Doha - OMAN: Muscat - Kuwait - Bahrain - Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco - Tunisia, Algeria - Turkey: Istanbul - Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia - Jakarta India - Bali, Singapore, China - Japan London, Paris - United States Norway - Austria, Belgium - Germany, Italy, Switzerland - Spain Netherlands ) If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me Khawla Akkam
تقديرا لمجهود صاحب البوست او المشاركه فانه لا يمكن مشاهدة الروابط إلا بعد التعليق على البوست In appreciation of the efforts of the owner of the post or participation, the links cannot be viewed until after responding to the post or participation
تقديرا لمجهود صاحب البوست او المشاركه فانه لا يمكن مشاهدة الروابط إلا بعد التعليق على البوست In appreciation of the efforts of the owner of the post or participation, the links cannot be viewed until after responding to the post or participation
::صفحات صديقة :: معهد ترايدنت :: منتدى برامج نت
:: برامج المشاغب - ملتقى العلماء وطلبة العلم - الريان تيوب - جريدة الديار -عمال مصر- قهوة الصحفيين - جريده اخبار بتروجت
:: للإعلان ::
بريد إلكتروني
[email protected]
أو يمكن التواصل معنا مباشرة عبر نموذج الاتصال بنا علي الرابط الآتي
للتواصل عبر الواتس
تنبيه للاعضاء تود إدارة
المنتدى ان تؤكد لكافة الاخوة الاعضاء بانه يمنع نشر أي مادة إعلامية تسيء للاديان
أو تدعو للفرقة المذهبية او للتطرف ، كما يحظر نشر الاخبار المتعلقة بانشطة الارهاب
بكافة اشكاله اوالدعوة لمساندته ودعمه، حيث ان ذلك يعتبر خروج صريح عن سياسة
المنتدى ، كما قد يعرض المشارك الى المساءلة النظامية من الجهات الرسمية ذات
العلاقة، شاكرين ومقدرين للجميع حسن التزامهم باهداف ومبادىء المنتدى.