المنتدى الفضائي العام Mainباشراف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩, sup4all, messaid saadane, moha2020, zoro1
أجهزة البريفكس والكامكس قسم الاجهزة الصيني قسم اجهزه الكيوماكس قسم اجهزه الترومان قسم الدريم بوكس قسم أجهزة التكنوسات واللورانس قسم الهيوماكس قسم الأسترا و عائلته قسم الشفرات قسم التركيبات ومشاكل الاستقبال قسم أجهزة HD المتنوعة
تحميل تطبيق الحماية CM Security AppLock AntiVirus v2.10.2 للأندرويد
CM Security AppLock AntiVirus v2.10.2 build 21026019
According to the report made by independent antivirus and security institute AV-TEST, announced in June 2014, CM Security has been rated #1 due to its usability and 100% virus detection rate.
CM Security received the Oscar of the antivirus world for the 7th time
CM Security ranked #1 by the AV-TEST again! AV-TEST, a leading independent organization in Germany, conduct regular appraisals of all antivirus products on the market and hand it awards for excellence. Their award is regarded as like an Oscar in the field of IT security and antivirus research. AV-TEST evaluates antivirus software based on how well they can detect viruses, how user-friendly they are, and awards high-quality products their commendations.
Safer than safer: Intruder Selfie of AppLock:
- Take a photo of someone who entered the wrong password twice
- Gotcha! The one who wants to snoop on my Whatsapp
Professional and totally free App Lock (app locker with password):
- The top-rated, fastest and safest app lock, over 100 Million users, supporting 27 languages.
With app lock, you can secure your privacy:
- Lock apps - Lock contacts, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger from prying eyes and nosy friends.
- Lock settings - Prevent your children from buying unwanted apps/games and phone settings.
- Lock privacy - AppLock for gallery, photos, and files.
- The first applock which is compatible with Android L in the world
Highlights of CM Security:
- #1 antivirus engine: Powered by both local and cloud engines, and supported by experience with 500,000,000 users and 16-years of history in the PC & mobile security industries. Repeatedly ranked first in tests carried out by AV-TEST and AV-Comparatives .
- Multilayer protection: Fix system vulnerabilities and scan new apps, file systems and websites to ensure your device's safety and your privacy in real-time. Clean your system and boost your device.
- Fast and handy: Scanning takes just seconds, 500% faster than other paid anti virus scanners. CM Security is also lightweight, taking up half as much phone memory as other antivirus apps . Integrated with the highest rated cleanup and boost features, your device can be lighter, faster and protected.
Direct Link
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المنتدى ان تؤكد لكافة الاخوة الاعضاء بانه يمنع نشر أي مادة إعلامية تسيء للاديان
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العلاقة، شاكرين ومقدرين للجميع حسن التزامهم باهداف ومبادىء المنتدى.