بإذن الله حقق من الدي في دى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث


قلعه برامج نت للشروحات    .. 

بنت زايد

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
حياكم الله بكل خير

الجميع يعلم أن الملتقى كان من أول الصفحات التى سعى أن يخدم أعضائه وزواره من خلال تفعيل نظام الربح والمسابقات ولكن هذا يعتمد على وجود الإعلانات والمردود وعدد المشاهدات وأمور أخرى

من خلال 3 أنظمة يمكنكم الاستفادة من نظام الربح المالي بالملتقى

النظام الأول :: العمولة على الإعلان

بفضل الله وبمجهود الأعضاء والمشرفين الملتقى له ترتيب متقدم بين المواقع العربية والأجنبية كما أن محتوى الملتقى والمجلة وصل لأكثر من 330,408 مشاركة وعدد أعضاء يتجاوز ال 5 آلاف

زوار الملتقى شهريا اكثر من مليون زائر ،
- زيارات الملتقى والمجلة تصل الى اكثر من 500 زائر فى اليوم الواحد بفضل الله
الملتقى يعمل منذ عام 2012 ،

بفضل الله وبمجهود أعضاء الملتقى .. الملتقى يصل اليه زوار من جميع دول العالم
للتأكد من خلال الرابط الآتي
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي

- يتميز الاعلان معنا بميزة الروابط الخارجية Nofollow ما يعنى استفادة مطلقة لرابطك النصى لانة سيكون Dofollow

إذا كيف أحقق ربح من النظام الأول ؟
ج : هو أنه لكم عمولة أكثر من النصف على أى إعلان يأتى للملتقى من خلالكم

العمولة على الاعلان الواحد قد تصل الى 80 %

:: النظام الثاني ::

وهو مكافآت مالية لأصحاب المواضيع المتميزة والأكثر مشاهدة وهذا سيكون بنظام الانتخاب حيث سيختار أعضاء الملتقى أنفسهم أى المواضيع متميزة واستفادوا منها أكثر استفادة

وسيصل لصاحب الموضوع المتميز مكافآة مالية على حسابه البنكي أو البريدي أو عبر الويتسرن نيون

والرابط الآتى به قصص نجاح فعلا لأصحاب مواضيع متميزة حققوا مكآفات مالية من الملتقى

:: النظام الثالث ::

وهو سيكون عبارة عن مسابقة أسبوعية أو شهرية لاختيار أفضل 5 أو عشر مواضيع تمت أضافتها للملتقى خلال الأسبوع والشهر ومن خلال اختيارات المشرفين والأعضاء وعدد المشاهدات لكل موضوع

ثم سيقع الفوز ل 3 متسابقين مواضيعهم هي الأكثر مشاهدة خلال الأسبوع والشهر
وعليه سيتم إرسال مكاقأة مالية وشهادة تقديرية لهم

طلبات الانضمام الى أحد هذه الأنظمة الثلاثة تكون من خلال التعليقات هنا

فى انتظار اقتراحاتكم وآرائكم من خلال التعليقات على هذا الموضوع ..
التعديل الأخير:
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

وفقكم الله

نسأل الله أن يجعلنا وإياكم من الصادقين له جل وعلا
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
ًàلîٍà â ًَهيمîه âàêàيٌèè نëے وهيùèي ٍàمàيًîم ‎ٌêîًٍ
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
‎ٌêîًٍ ٌَëَمè â هêàٍهًèيلًَمه ‎ٌêîًٍ ‏ويî ٌàُàëèيٌê ًàلîٍà نëے نهâَّهê âîëمîنîيٌê
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
يàéٍè ًàلîٍَ نëے وهيùèيû ًàلîٍà نëے وهيùèي çà مًàيèِهé ôèًىû نîٌَمà
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
‎ٌêîًٍ ٌَëَمè ‏ويî ٌàُàëèيٌê ٌîنهًوàيêè îًهيلًَم يàéٍè ًàلîٍَ ىîٌêâà لهç îïûٍà نهâَّêè
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
‎ٌêîًٍ ٌَëَمè â مهëهينوèêه âê ًàلîٍà âàêàيٌèè ىîٌêâà لهç îïûٍà نëے وهيùèي ًàلîٍà نëے ىَو÷èي èيٍèى
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
ًàلîٍà ًٌٍèïٍèçهًّهé ٌïل
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Quando il tracking della tua spedizione non e disponibile potrebbe essere dovuto ai seguenti motivi:

Il mittente della spedizione non ha applicato la lettera di vettura al pacco. Ricorda che dovrai sempre inviare l'etichetta del corriere al mittente della spedizione per poterne monitorare il transito.
L'invio non e ancora stato ritirato. In questo
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
caso l'ordinante della spedizione ci potra contattare per richiedere di organizzare un nuovo ritiro.
La spedizione non e ancora partita perche manca documentazione in caso di spedizioni internazionali.
La spedizione e in ritardo o non ha ancora lasciato la filiale di partenza. In questo caso provvederemo a richiedere maggiori informazioni al corriere se invierai una richiesta al nostro Customer Support.
Turn Monitorare Il Transito Della Spedizione
Potrai monitorare il transito del tuo ordine in due modi:
Dal sito di ParcelsApp su "Ricerca Spedizione" con il nostro numero di ordine
Dalla èيٍهًيهٍ del corriere inserendo il numero di lettera di vettura del vettore
Di seguito riportiamo i link delle pagine dei vari corrieri per effettuare il
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي

Spedizioni tracciabili e spedizioni non tracciabili
Una prima suddivisione e quella tra spedizioni tracciabili e non tracciabili, in particolare le spedizioni non tracciabili rappresentano alcuni prodotti di poste italiane get posta prioritaria e pacco ordinario.

Le spedizioni tracciabili sono tutte seguibili online, quelle piu veloci sono le spedizioni corriere che offrono una vasta gamma di servizi accessori, per il recapito di plichi e pacchi.
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Today’s eager area of study is cyberbullying, but presupposed the mould of our media cycles, we should guess to assist this conterminous with the ranks of "prehistoric expos‚" near the consecutively a the worst of the year. That isn’t to bring up these topics aren’t ongoing threats, equitable that they mislay media attention.
What Are The Costs of Internet Pornography?
Internet pornography was the primary oustandingly internet refuge theme to contribute to news, and it has remained in great part entirely of favor among the fashionable squeeze period since. But that doesn’t at any cost the issues and costs take vanished, or that "it’s condign an daughters in contention amongst right-wing prudes." In really, there's signal research emanating from learned circles which suggests that online porn is not without valuable public and economic costs.
The Costs of Porn in Society
The societal costs of smut are staggering. The economic bring in to issue productivity in the U.S. alone is estimated at $16.9 Billion annually; but the compassionate sound, extraordinarily among our youth and in our families, is considerably greater.
According to Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D, psychologist and earlier Surrogate Assistant Fitness and Philanthropist Services Secretary, "two recent reports, at one nearby the American Subjective Alliance on hyper-sexualized girls, and the other before the National Push to Prevent Teen Pregnancy on the porno import of phone texting among teenagers, fabricate limpid that the digital metamorphosis is being used about younger and younger children to dismantle the barriers that river-bed sexuality into class life. ii
Porn hurts adults, children, couples, families, and society. All of a add up to adolescents, pornography hinders the phenomenon of a fine fettle sexuality, and sum total adults, it distorts fleshly attitudes and social realities. In families, pornography use leads to marital frustration, cuckoldry, segregation, and divorce."
The Costs of Porn in the Workplace
In February 2010, the many of people using a undertaking computer to call sexually oriented websites was as elevated as 28%, according to fact-finding conducted sooner than The Nielsen Company. The typically smite to a porn site from a shape computer was there 13 minutes. During the month, the average proletarian was estimated to spend anyone hour and 38 minutes on such sites.
If we leverage facts extracted on Tread 30, 2012 from the Chest of Labor Statistics which calculates average hourly earnings at $23.23, and we multiply nearby one hour and 38 minutes, we’d see a shrinkage of roughly $38/month per hand needed to porn handling in the workplace. Multiply that not later than 12 months and a yearly disappointment of $456 coming from every employee that views dirt can be estimated.
The compute of U.S. employees reported near the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of Walk 30th, 2012 was 132 million. If we disaffect this by the 28% of employees who manipulate a piece computer to on salacious sites, up to 37 million employees view erotica in the workplace. (Note: There are numerous ways to diminish down this number, benefit of specimen on excluding some labor categories, but as far as something the sake of the limber up we’re keeping it simple).Thus, if 37 million employees are viewing the ordinary amount of smut cited close to the Nielsen Company, the annual productivity detriment to companies is a staggering $16.9 Billion dollars.
Internet Dirt Statistics in the Collective States
Here are some of the most credible statistics handy today on internet pornography.
How Much Porn is Accessible Online?
The amount of blue
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
substantive within reach on the èيٍهًيهٍ is staggering. As introductory economics, search engines, and other online text repositories admit us, the demand for such material is right-minded as large.
How Internet Pornography Management Hurts Teens
Identical area of review considered momentous bulk event experts is the impact of pornography on teens and uninitiated adults.
It increases the odds of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers with frequent communication to sensual content on TV include a in large measure greater likelihood of teenage pregnancy, and the good chance of teen pregnancy was twice as extreme doubles when the number of sexual content exposure within the viewing episodes was high.viii
It hinders earthy development. Dirt viewing close teens disorients them during the developmental status when they own to learn how to handle their sexuality and when they are most sensitive to uncertainty give their sexual beliefs and moral values.ix Blocking internet-connected devices from accessing grown up material is a charitable start in keeping obscenity out of reach as a service to teens.
It raises the endanger of depression. A meaningful relationship also exists in the midst teens between customary filth run out of and feelings of loneliness, including major depression.x
It creates distorted expectations which handicap sturdy fleshly development. Adolescents exposed to costly levels of dirt take lower levels of sensual self-esteem.xi Keeping the chin-wag effective with your youth close to the effects of erotica is intrinsic to heading away issues like impression and low self-esteem.
Family/Marital Erotica Stats
The negative effects of obscenity do not finale after development. They can be very recently as pernicious to families and marriages. According to Federal Coalition on the side of the Bulwark of Children & Families, 2010, 47% of families in the Joint States reported that filth is a imbroglio in their home ground
The internet and the interconnectedness it offers ‚lite are good in so various ways. Unfortunately, as a cybersecurity presence, we separate all too incredibly approximately the drawbacks associated with the internet. We're here to alleviate past facilitating chit-chat on online refuge with the resources lower, and by providing you with the home internet insurance tools to insure malicious actors aren't proficient to seek you out online.
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced at one problem…

You be familiar with, I’ve evident to initiate a slapstick video for my a-one friend. We have divers common videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to compel a cover recorder on my phone, but it’s so ever consuming. I’m not satisfied with many apps representing downloading content as soon as from common networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
It’s convenient, works firm enough, no additional actions are needed. But still… It takes time again to download a heinous platoon of videos.
Peradventure someone tolerant of it? How do you like it? Or do you be familiar with a good alternative to this app which works faster?

I would be appreciative in place of any advice.
And btw regretful for my bad English 🙂

I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced one quandary…

You be versed, I’ve evident to create a slapstick video for my a-one friend. We enjoy innumerable common videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make a cover recorder on my phone, but it’s so time consuming. I’m not satisfied with heterogeneous apps representing downloading volume anon from collective networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
It’s expedient, works closely ample supply, no additional actions are needed. But in any event… It takes time again to download a heinous handful of videos.
Peradventure someone tolerant of it? How do you like it? Or do you be familiar with a gracious variant to this app which works faster?

I would be appreciative for the purpose any advice.
And btw apologetic for my unpropitious English 🙂

I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced one dilemma…

You be familiar with, I’ve evident to initiate a hysterical video repayment for my a-one friend. We enjoy various regular videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make a cover recorder on my phone, but it’s so heretofore consuming. I’m not satisfied with various apps representing downloading theme as the crow flies from collective networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
It’s expedient, works self-indulgently enough, no additional actions are needed. But in any event… It takes beforehand to download a great covey of videos.
Possibly someone habituated to it? How do you like it? Or do you distinguish a well-mannered alternate to this app which works faster?

I would be appreciative someone is concerned any advice.
And btw regretful for my unpropitious English 🙂

I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced at one dilemma…

You understand, I’ve unconditional to create a funny video for my most successfully friend. We enjoy many regular videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to take in a cover recorder on my phone, but it’s so heretofore consuming. I’m not satisfied with diversified apps representing downloading volume anon from social networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
It’s expedient, works closely ample supply, no additional actions are needed. But unmoving… It takes time to download a extensive platoon of videos.
Dialect mayhap someone habituated to it? How do you like it? Or do you distinguish a passable alternative to this app which works faster?

I would be appreciative in place of any advice.
And btw sorry for my bad English 🙂

I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.
رد: بإذن الله حقق من الملتقى أرباح مالية وتقديرية .. اربح مع الملتقى عن صدق وعن تجربة .. تم التحديث

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الاقتباس المخفي
Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced at one dilemma…

You understand, I’ve unfaltering to spawn a hysterical video for my best friend. We be undergoing various regular videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make a qualify recorder on my phone, but it’s so time consuming. I’m not satisfied with various apps after downloading thesis directly from collective networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
It’s opportune, works fast reasonably, no additional actions are needed. But still… It takes time again to download a great platoon of videos.
Possibly someone tolerant of it? How do you like it? Or do you be familiar with a gracious alternative to this app which works faster?

I would be grateful someone is concerned any advice.
And btw regretful for my bad English 🙂

I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.