مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Hungary Declares State of Emergency in Energy Sector amid Ukrainian War

Abo Zayed
07-14-2022, 02:48 AM
<h1 dir="rtl" style="text-align:center"><strong><span style="color:#0000cc">:: الأعضاء المسجلين فقط هم من يمكنهم مشاهدة الروابط </span><a href="لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط الا بعد الرج" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cc">للتسجيل اضغط هنا</span></a><span style="color:#0000cc"> ::</span></strong></h1>
Hungarian government declared a state of emergency in the energy sector, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Wednesday. “Due to the protracted war [in Ukraine] and Brussels sanctions [against Russia], prices for energy carriers have skyrocketed across Europe, and an energy crisis has erupted in large parts of the continent,” Gergely […]

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