المنتديات التعليمية Educationalاللغة الإنجليزيــة اللغة الفرنسيـــة استفسارات وطلبات الاعضـــاء
رياض الاطفال المرحلة الابتدائيه الاعدادية الثانوية العامة كليات الطب الهندسة الصيدلة كلية العلوم التجاره الدبلومات الفنية المعاهد المتخصصة
messaid saadane, مهاجي جمال الجزائري, zoro1
كتاب The Optimum Shape Automated Structural Design
أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
The Optimum Shape Automated Structural Design
Edited by
General Motors Research Laboratories
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
SESSION I-Derivatives and Algorithms
Chairman: R. T. Haftka
1. Adaptive Analysis Refinement and Shape Optimization -
Some New Possibilities .
o. C. Zienkiewicz, A. W. Craig, J. Z. Zhu and R. H. Gallagher
2. Material Derivative Methods for Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis 29
E. J. Haug and K. K. Choi
3. The Relationship Between the Variational Approach and the
Implicit Differentiation Approach to Shape Design Sensitivities 61
R. J. Yang and M. E. Botkin
4. Variational Approach to Shape Sensitivity Analysis and
Optimal Design
Z. Mr6z
SESSION II-Analysis and Modeling for Shape Optimization 111
Chairman: B. A. Szabo
5. Automatic Finite Element Modeling for Use with Three-Dimensional
Shape Optimization . 113
M. S. Shephard and M. A. Yerry
6. Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Shape Optimization
of Linearly Elastic Structures 139
N. Kikuchi, K. Y. Chung, T. Torigaki and J. E. Taylor
7. Uncertainties in Engineering Design: Mathematical Theory
and Numerical Treatment . 171
I. Babu!!kaviii
8. Boundary Elements in Shape Optimal Design of Structures
C. A. Mota Soares and K. K. Choi
SESSION III-Applications .
Chairman: R. H. Gallagher
9. Shape Optimization of Three-Dimensional Stamped and
Solid Automotive Components
M. E. Botkin, R. J. Yang and J. A. Bennett
10. Multidisciplinary Shape Optimization
G. N. Vanderplaats
11. Optimal Shape Design of Axisymmetric Structures
Ph. Trompette, J. L. Marcelin and C.Lallemaud
12. Shape Optimal Design by the Convex Linearization Method
C. Fleury
SESSION IV-New Frontiers in Shape Optimization
Ch".irman: J. Sobieski
13. A Numerical Method for Shape Design
Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization
of Built-up Structures .
K. K. Choi and H. G. Seong
14. Anomalies Arising in Analysis and Computational Procedures
for the Prediction of Optimal Shape
J. E. Taylor
15. Geometric Modeling for Structural and Material
Shape Optimization
E. L. Stanton
16. Symposium Summary and Concluding Remarks
L. A. Schmit
Symposium Participants
Author and Contributor Index
Subject Index
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