how to buy shares online. In some ways it was the needs of the Industrial Revolution itself which, in the end, came to the aid of the working classes. As the Industrial Revolution progressed there was an increasing need for educated workers. In the old days it was not a problem if a farm hand was illiterate. However, in the new industrial society, mechanics, civil engineers, architects and builders all needed literate workers who were able to read instructions, take measurements and interpret drawings and plans.Most European countries had tried to control education with the ‘ruling class’ preventing access to higher education to people from the ‘lower orders’ (the middle and working classes). It was inevitable that once the ‘lower orders’ gained access to education they would become aware of two fundamental flaws in their lives; first, that they were being outrageously exploited and second, that, whilst they were creating the wealth of the country, they were gaining little benefit for themselves and they had no political power. purchase shares
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العلاقة، شاكرين ومقدرين للجميع حسن التزامهم باهداف ومبادىء المنتدى.