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برنامج معرب و مجانى لنسخ الأقراص الليزريه والتعامل مع الأيزو CDBurnerXP
برنامج نسخ اقراص مجاني يدعم جميع الاقراص وجميع الصيغ حتى iso
برنامج CDBurnerXP هو البرنامج الاكثر شهره على الإنترنت في مجال
النسخ لجميع انواع الاقراص بدون استثناء مثل burn any Data on CD-R
CD-RW/DVD+R/DVD-R/DVD+RW/DVD-RW, كما يقوم بعمل سيديات
ام بي ثري صوتية burn mp3-CDs وينسخ إلى ملفات سيدي و دي في دي
وإيزو save CDs/DVDs as ISO والكثير برنامج رائع فعلاً وفيه مميزات كثيره
كل ذلك في برنامج صغير الحجم !! معرب ومجانى
يلزم توفر NET Framework 2.0 لعمل البرنامج
الجديد فى هذا الأصدار
Changes in CDBurnerXP (2017-11-05)
Optional crossfading for audio discs
DPI improvements for video DVD dialog
Fixed: Drive letter command line argument not working
CDBurnerXP is an freeware application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs. It also includes the feature to burn and create ISO files, as well as a multilanguage interfaceYou can create data and audio CDs with or without gaps between tracks. CDBurnerXP does however support Burn-Proof technology, multi-session disks, import of ISO imagesCDBurnerXP has bin/nrg – ISO converter, simple cover printing and much more. In addition to CD/DVD/BR burning, you can also rip audio CDs, normalize WAV files, encode MP3 files, erase disksCDBurnerXP has a very nice interface and is extremely light on computer resources. Also it is incredibly easy to use, as developers have focused solely on the burning functions. So it’s less likely that you’ll get lost in detailsThe burning process could take a while, but this only depends on the disc and the CD/DVD/BB writer. But everything goes in the same way as it does in other burning solutions out there. Everyone, even companies, can use it for free..
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تحميل البرنامج
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نسخه محموله
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NET Framework
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