All player corporations in EVE have shares, which are unique to the corporation. On forming a corporation 1000 shares will be created in the corporation wallet. Additional shares can be created by a corporation vote. Upon a successful vote the CEO should return to the Politics section of their Corporation Management Panel and view the Sanctionable Actions. The ability to Apply the Creation of Shares per the vote will now be present and available but Not in Effect. Once applied, the successful creation of the prescribed number of shares will report as an In Effect Sanctionable Action and will be available to the Corporation for distribution. By being a shareholder in a corporation, you are allowed the following actions.
Votes and Voting Rights
When a corporation creates a corporation vote, all shareholders receive a message with details of the vote, and can right-click on the shares in their own wallet to make a decision on the vote. Any player holding shares can see history of votes in the corporation.
Issuing Dividends
A corporation CEO can issue dividends to all shareholders. This is done from the corporation control panel, home tab. The CEO nominates a sum to dividend, and it is distributed to all shareholders proportional to the % of shares they hold in the company. There is no limitation to the frequency of issuing dividends. buy stocks internet purchase shares
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المنتدى ان تؤكد لكافة الاخوة الاعضاء بانه يمنع نشر أي مادة إعلامية تسيء للاديان
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بكافة اشكاله اوالدعوة لمساندته ودعمه، حيث ان ذلك يعتبر خروج صريح عن سياسة
المنتدى ، كما قد يعرض المشارك الى المساءلة النظامية من الجهات الرسمية ذات
العلاقة، شاكرين ومقدرين للجميع حسن التزامهم باهداف ومبادىء المنتدى.