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برنامج لمعالجة وحل مشاكل القرص الصلب IObit Smart Defrag Pro
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Smart Defrag 5 is a Free Disk Defragmenter, that accelerates the whole system with fast and efficient disk defragment. Based on IObit latest disk defrag engine and Boot Time Disk Defrag technology, Smart Defrag 5 is created with the world’s leading defragmentation ability. It not only provides defragmentation, but also intelligently streamlines your files based on using frequency, thus accelerating disk speed and the whole system for top performance!
Key Benefits:
Extremely Fast and Efficient Defragmentation – Enhanced
Using IObit’s latest defrag engine and the new “Boot Time Defrag†technology, Smart Defrag 5 has not only the world’s fastest defragmenting speed but also the most advanced defragmenting ability. It’s been specially designed for modern, large hard drives, which eliminates the long waiting time.
Designed for Top Disk Performance – Enhanced
The program doesn’t just provide simple defragmentation. It also streamlines your file system, places the frequently used files and directories into the fastest area of the disk, enabling your computer to run at top speed with the most stability.
Always-on Automatic Defragment – Enhanced
The program works automatically and quietly in the background, so it continually and constantly keeps your computer fragment-free.
“Boot Time Defrag†Technology – New!
The new “Boot Time Defrag†technology allows you to defrag files during the system boot process, while these files cannot be defragged or are not safe to move after the system is already boot-up.
Guaranteed Data Safety and Disk Stability – Enhanced
Unlike other “Automated†Defragmenters, Smart Defrag 5 does NOT constantly perform analysis and defrag, which damages your hard drive and shorten its life. It has a “Safe Intelligence†technology that can assure the health of your disk by deciding When and How to execute defragmentation.
On-schedule Disk Defragment – Enhanced
Your PC’s performance is better maintained when it is defragged on a regular basis. The program offers a flexible way that allows you to schedule disk defragmentation according to your needs.
Extremely Easy to Use – Enhanced
Smart Defrag 5 has taken on a new look. While its still intuitive and easy to navigate, the new interface is undoubtedly more exquisite and professional, making it the ideal utility for complete computer novice.
What differentiates Smart Defrag 5 PRO from FREE:
Up to 200% Faster File Access Speed.
Boot Time Defragment for Quicker PC Startup.
Automatically & Intelligently Defragment Fragmented Files.
Customizing Defrag Mode & Disks/Files to Be Defragged.
DMA Applied for Better, Faster & More Stable Data Transfer.
Auto Update to the Latest Version.
Free 24/7 Technical Support on Demand.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit).
Whats New :
+ New Disk Health displays the latest disk status: temperature, disk usage, self monitoring report, etc.
+ Added Auto Analyze feature to notice you in time when your disks need defragmentation.
+ Added Fast Defrag method for ultimate defrag speed.
* Improved defrag engine and algorithm for faster defragmentation and optimization.
* Fixed occasional freeze and slow issue and other known issues.
* Updated multiple languages.
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fvkhl[ gluhg[m ,pg lah;g hgrvw hgwgf IObit Smart Defrag Pro
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