I saw a dream.. I saw a girl with
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sitting at the end of my bed in the dark. She had no clothes and had stains of old brown dried up blood flowing from her eyes.* She whispered "Don't close your eyes." It terrified me. I woke up. I treated it as a nightmare and fell asleep again.
The next day, at night I closed my eyes and again went to sleep. Suddenly I felt someone choking my throat. I opened up my eyes and saw the same girl sitting on my chest, fully naked, with big eyes and stains of dried up blood. She again whispered "Don't close your eyes."
I realised it wasn't just a nightmare.
It has been 5 days since the last incident and I have finally found a solution. I haven't closed my eyes.
*I look in the mirror once a while. I look exactly like the girl. With big eyes, dried up blood flowing from my eyes.