برنامجEfficient Mans Organizer 5.50 Build 539 +
Serial + Keygen للرجال
منظم الرجل، وهي حزمة إدارة المعلومات الشخصية المصممة خصيصا للرجال! أنه يحتوي على واجهة أبعد بارد - خيار فقط من الرجال الحكيم واللذيذ! العديد من الميزات الرائعة مثل إدارة الوقت، مدير الاتصال، مخطط، تذكير، مذكرات، المفكرة، مدير كلمة المرور، وأكثر من ذلك ... يتم دمجها في حزمة واحدة فقط. كفاءة سيد المنظم، وهي حزمة إدارة المعلومات الشخصية المصممة خصيصا للرجال! أنه يحتوي على واجهة عصرية وجميلة
تقديرا لمجهود صاحب البوست او المشاركه فانه لا يمكن مشاهدة الروابط إلا بعد التعليق على البوست In appreciation of the efforts of the owner of the post or participation, the links cannot be viewed until after responding to the post or participation
Efficient Mans Organizer 5.50 Build 539 File size 20 MB
Efficient Man's Organizer, a personal information management package specially designed for men! It has a beyond-cool interface - a choice only of tasty and wise men! Many great features such as time management, contact manager, planner, reminder, diary, notepad, password manager, and more...are integrated in just one package. Efficient Lady's Organizer, a personal information management package specially designed for ladies! It has a fashionable and pretty interface - a choice only of happy and demanding ladies.
Why Choose Efficient Man's Organizer?
Efficient Man's Organizer is a personal information management package specially designed for men! It has a beyond-cool interface - a choice only of tasty and wise men! Many great features such as time management, contact manager, planner, reminder, diary, notepad, password manager, and more...are integrated in just one package. A man's day, starts from opening Efficient Man's Organizer!
Key Features
Specially Designed for Men
The program offers a variety of interface styles, all designed for men. Choose from professionally-designed looks such as Pumpkin, Black, Blue, Silver, Summer and Springtime.
Efficient Man's Organizer is a multifunctional personal organizer software program. It can manage your contacts, tasks, appointments, schedules, notes, diaries, passwords and more.
Powerful Document Editor
This software has a text editor whose interface is similar to Microsoft Word. Use it to write diary entries, notes, and comments.
Easy to Search
The built-in search engine is as simple to use as Google, and it quickly finds information that is stored in diary entries, notes, contacts, or anywhere in the program's databases.
Portable Edition Available
The new Portable Edition lets you load the program on a USB flash drive and use it at the office, at home, and while you travel.
Information Safety Safeguards
The software has its own recycle bin, so you can recover deleted information if you accidentally erase it. Efficient Man's Organizer even provides automatic backup of all of your data, so you can be assured that your information is safe and secure.
تقديرا لمجهود صاحب البوست او المشاركه فانه لا يمكن مشاهدة الروابط إلا بعد التعليق على البوست In appreciation of the efforts of the owner of the post or participation, the links cannot be viewed until after responding to the post or participation
Keygen + Serial
تقديرا لمجهود صاحب البوست او المشاركه فانه لا يمكن مشاهدة الروابط إلا بعد التعليق على البوست In appreciation of the efforts of the owner of the post or participation, the links cannot be viewed until after responding to the post or participation
للمزيد من البرامج الكاملة زورونا في منتدى المشاغب
كلمة شكر تكفي
ملاحظة اخواني المشاغبين
معظم البرامج التي ارفعها تاتي مع كيجن او باتش
وانا لاستعملهم وانما ارفعها للافادة واذا اي مشاغب عنده وقت للشرح ماعندي مشكلة
انو يضع الشرح هنا معظم الاعضاء ليس لهم علم كيف يتم تشغيلهم
اذا لاتعرف كيف تتعامل مع Keygen لا تحمل البرنامج واذا سريال لم يفعل معك مافي داعي للكلام الجارح بالتوفيق للجميع
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