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برنامج PC Cleaner Pro 2016 v14. لتنظيف الويندوز وتسريع الكمبيوتر
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We believe computers are meant to speed things up, not slow things down, so you can work smarter and faster. Thats why we engineered PC Cleaner to provide outstanding antivirus and antispyware protection, and PC optimization tools that works quietly and efficiently, without slowing your PC down like other bloated security products.
* Registry Cleaner
PC Cleaner will remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more.
* Increase Your PCs Performance
PC optimization is the quickest way to adjust your system settings at once. PC Cleaner will analyze your system & adjust your PC to function at its maximum potential performance.
* Boost Your PCs Speed
PC Cleaner will tweak your complete system to help boost your PC speed and overall system performance. You could have faster downloads, uploads, web surfing and more.
* Certified Virus + Spyware Protection
Certified Antivirus Pro will scan your complete system for malicious threats including: viruses, spyware,. rogue programs, trojans, adware, rootkit, dialers, worms, parasites and other potentially harmful programs that may be installed on your computer.
* Security Defense
PC Cleaner will scan and check for windows vulnerablities within Windows system. Windows Update is a service provided by Microsoft. Security updates or critical updates protect against vulnerabilities to malware and security exploits.
* Clean Your System
In using a computer from day to day youre going to accumulate system clutter. You can significantly increase your PC performance & stability by removing these files.
* Privacy Protection
PC Cleaner is designed to protect you by cleaning up all the unwanted history data on your computer which could also put you at risk of identity theft.
* Internet Optimizer
PC Cleaner will automatically adjust your internet connections to increase super fast web surfing, faster downloads including: music , movies games and video downloads.
* System Optimizer
PC System Optimizer is the fastest way to adjust all your system settings at once. The PC Optimizer works by determining what type of PC you have and what programs you have installed. Then it will adjust system settings so that your machine will function at its maximum capacity.
OS : Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
Language : Multilingual
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fvkhl[ PC Cleaner Pro 2016 v14>0>16>6>5 gjk/dt hg,dk],. ,jsvdu hg;lfd,jv
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