Islamic Manners in Multaqa Ahl Al-Hadeeth

العضوية الذهبية الدخول ل دي في دي سات منتدى الدي في دي العربي مكتوب &  الراديو المجلة الاذاعه

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By the name of Allah, Al-Rahman Al-Raheem, I begin with:

All praise to Allah and May Allah exalts the mention of the messenger of Allah (Muhammad bin Abdullah), his family, his companions and whoever loves and supports him, amongst the angels:

Indeed, this Multaqa of Ahlualhadith – May Allah reward those who works on it- is not, in anyway, similar to other forums which have goodness and badness. On the contrary, this Multaqa is not only an outstanding flag rising in the world of Islamic knowledge over the internet but also a bright sun that enlightened the darkness of forums to guide whoever surf the internet.

This Multaqa has collected a wide variety of knowledge that only appreciated and valued by those who chose this knowledge to be their companions in this life.

It has always been advised by scholars to benefit from the guidance of scholars and adopt their characters before benefiting from their knowledge. That is why scholars tend to mention the advise which was given to Imam Malik – The Imam of Madina- by his mother at the time she sent him to learn from Imam Rabi’ea Al-Rai ( may Allah bestows his mercy upon them all), as her advise had the same meaning we have talked about.

Today, we follow the steps of our previous scholars as we aim to benefit from the politeness, nobility and the good character of this blessed Multaqa members’ as much as we aim to follow their steps seeking Islamic knowledge.

My dear brothers, I put in your hands this boutique of manners and etiquettes I have chosen for you so I remind myself and others. Yet, after I finish this article, I welcome any addition, suggestion or corrections, hoping Allah to grant us a the virtue of collecting a good centre for Islamic Manners and etiquettes, which we need in this Multaqa and other forums.

1) From Islamic courtesy to start every post with mentioning the name of Allah. The least can be made by saying (bismillah or Alhamdullah or both together). This is something that knowledge students should never forget because mentioning the name of Allah in the beginning has an amazing affect on hearts softness and facilitate learning knowledge.

2) Reply the greetings by writing it whenever you reply to someone who started his post with saying (Salam Alykom…) because replying back by uttering it is not sufficient since the norm of forums that writings replace uttering. Anyway, I do prefer everyone who replies to greet back the first greeting even if topic is long and has many replies.

3) If no one greeted back a post you begun with saying ( Salam Alykom…) then do not get upset and find excuses for your brothers because it may happen that whoever replies did not notice that and was too busy with reading the topic itself and it may happen that he greeted back by uttering it without writing it.

4) It is proper to maintain and keep saying ( salla Allah a’la Muhammad) as it is one of the features of AhlAlhadeeth- May Allah brightened their faces- that distinguish them from others, furthermore, are proud of as other scholars from others sciences do not have. Thus, this has to be maintained by writing it as it si with using abbreviations as some recent people tend to use like (ص) or ( صلعم ) if they wish to say Salla Alih wa sallam. Besides, it happens that using word the words may change to a Latin letter so it is better to review your work before submitting it to avoid such mistakes.

5) Always, say a Dua’a to whoever is replying to your post or to someone who added something that you benefited from even if this benefit is not up to the level you wanted. Such Dua’a can be like saying for example:: May Allah reward you or may Allah have his mercy on you and etc…. However, keep in mind to avoid being selective with Dua’a as like, for example: making Dua’a to who touched the points correctly while you do not make Dua’a to others who took the trouble to reply but were not having the answers you looked for. This type of behavior may create hardship in the hearts between brothers and Shaytaan always take advantage of such situations to create Fitna.

6) Do not muck or make fun of what others say even if what they say does not seem correct to you or not even a worthy reply. It is important to keep in mind that his rights upon you to respect him and not to make fun of him in anyway form.

7) Always address the one you talk to with what open and soften hearts to break the ice between both of you as by calling him for example: My dear Brother or my respected sheikh and etc… and if you make duaa for him as some brothers do then that it is a good thing to do as well.

8) Always give each person what they deserve and do not underestimate them therefore to talk to each person according to what is suitable to his level. It is a fact that this Multaqa has many scholars who I would kiss their hands and their foreheads if I ever met them as it is their right upon me, to glorify the knowledge they carry in their chests. Yet, since it is not possible to meet them then the least we can do is to be polite with them as it is the norm of all scholars from all times to treat people of knowledge in such manners.

9) Do not get upset or angry if someone addressed you with what do not suit your level that you believe you are in and always observe sincerity and humbleness and deny your self as much as you can. Always try to find excuses for others like excuse them for not being aware of your rank in knowledge and such excuses.

10) Always review your post before submitting it and after submitting it when it is a possible to edit it because it hurts the eyes of knowledge students and scholars to see some fatal mistakes, which should be avoided.

11) The most fatal mistakes that happened due to the fact some do not review their posts before submitting, are the one that happens when someone try to write a verse from Quran or in the spelling of the word Allah or names of the prophets and etc. it is known that moderators sometimes do not notice such mistakes due to the many topics and threads posted every day therefore let every member in this Multaqa to be a moderator on himself.

12) It is good to pay attention to where marks are used like (? And !!!) because if you misplace it you will lose the meaning of the sentence you used. Yet, using it much may give the feeling that you are angry or even mucking which you do not tend to mean.

13) It does not suit the English version as it is about Arabic language used in writings.

14) It is proper to understand the different customs and traditions in other countries to avoid using terms of speech that some not aware of or not familiar with in their countries because you will find some who are tough in their words while others soft yet all gathered by one religion.

15) It is a good idea to search the forum before submitting a new thread since the forum has a very good data base which you can search through. It happens, though, that some thinks that his thread is first time to be posted when it was really posted previously by others. These repeated topics waste time and efforts which can be used in other place and bring out more benefit.

16) Do not post your topic in different section because some may reply to one and others on the other one which will let the benefit wasted and make it hard to tracl all posts related to this topic.

17) Do not post links to websites that advocate innovations or promote suspicion because humans are weak and people fall into the traps of doubts. Besides the fact that such people do not have any good in their nature and if it happens to have some goodness you will find better than this goodness with ahlu Alsunnah. So there is no need to use their sites!! Yet, if it was needed, then just quote what you wish to talk about from these sites without mentioning the link or any details about it

18) Take your time when you read a topic so you can really understand what the writer wants to ask about or to deliver. Do not be too hasty to reply because you do not want to answer things not even related, which will make your contribution in vain.

19) Do not be too hasty to give fatwa if you are not qualified to give Fatwa. It is enough for you to quote what trusty scholars said whether they were from earliest or recent scholars. However, if you could not quote then do not reply too much on your memorization because your memory sometimes may fail you. Furthermore, clarify to the one who asks that you are not giving him a fatwa but rather giving him what you concluded out of your Ijtehad on this question. Needless to say, that you should never rely on what you may tend to believe that yu do not give Fatwa because laymen are usually weak and will take your words as a fatwa and apply it on him and spread it. Thus, always keep reminding yourself of this fact so you do not get tempted by time and fall in this trap.

20) Avoid giving your own personal opinion at the time you answer a question or giving a fatwa by saying : ( however, my personal opinion on this matter is… or what I do anyway is…) because what you practice and follow which has no proof or evidence has no validity especially while you are having a nick name.

21) Avoid giving unrelated comments unless you find there is a benefit behind it like to encourage a writer who did not get enough encouraging or to bring warmth between you and another and etc…

22) If having piety and not to be hasty in fiqh is needed then in terms of Aqeedah we must be more careful. Therefore, I advise not to be hasty with posting what may cause confusion for Muslims because what they may think it is correct can be very much wrong.

23) Courtesy directs us to refer to the known references as much as possible. It is from the virtue of knowledge to refer each saying to whoever said it. This will strengthen your research and give it more credibility.

24) The most important and the greatest manner is to stick to the creed of ahlu alsunnah wa al-jama’a in the way you edit and write, in the way you ask and answer, in the style and the context, and in the way of methodology and results. This is needed so that the creed of innovators vanish by ignoring and neglecting them, And Allah is the helper.

25) Being humble and soft with your brothers in the Multaqa and to have paitance even if they offended you because this is the guidance of our prophet (salla ALlh a’lih wa sallam)

26) Do not talk about others unless it is needed and do not expand on talking. Talk about what concerns the matter without being excessive and always having the intention to advise others for Allah sake

27) Do not be happy when others make mistakes even if they appose your opinion.

28) If you wish to reply to a post then it is good to mention the name of the one who you are replying to. For example do not say a reply to post number 12!!! Say: a reply to brother….

29) Do not post mysterious titles to your post which only aim to attract others so you have more readers like saying: very very important question or saying a very dangerous saying stated by a known scholar!!!

30) It is better not to mention the new of scholars all the time as in; my sheikh has the intention to do hajj then saying my sheikh went to Hajj then after a while saying my sheikh came back from hajj and so on.

31) If you wish to advise then let it be in secret

These advices are compiled from a thread posted Brother Aby Muhammad Al-basheer bin muhammad Issam (1-24) and brother Abdulrahman Al-Sudais(25-27) anmd Brother haitham Hamdan (28-31).

Finsihed Translating by Child of Islam on 14-August-2007 which is the 1st of Sha'baan 1428 H.
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